Try Imperial Whitetail “Chic” Magnet, featuring WINA-100 Forage Chicory, which is more tender and less waxy than traditional chicories – and deer are extremely attracted to it. “Chic” Magnet chicory food plot mix can be planted alone, mixed with other seeds, or over-seeded into existing forages to provide gains in variety, attractiveness and drought-resistance.
- WINA-100 perennial forage chicory seed - vastly more tender and palatable to deer than traditional, more waxy textured chicories
- Provides up to 44% antler-building protein
- Our most drought tolerant chicory seed for deer food plots
- EXTREMELY cold tolerant
- Heat, drought and disease resistant
- Coated with RainBondTM for enhanced seedling survivability.
- Lasts up to 3 years from a single planting.